Transition to a New Development Paradigm:

Deep engagement initiative to unlock a new way of being for individuals, culture and systems

“If you want to change reality – one powerful way is to change what you measure, how you measure it, and why you measure it. By measuring and making visible more of reality – we can then enter into a deeper dialogue with reality and thus cultivate greater forms of intimacy with it. To successfully navigate the complexity of the 21st century we need non-reductive and integrative ways of measuring impact and value exchange between individuals and systems.”

Sean Esbjorn-Hargens Ph.D

Historically, it has been easier to seek explanations and consensus in fragmented areas of knowledge, largely neglecting the “interiorities” of individuals and culture. Beliefs, worldviews, emotions, consciousness, social connection, and cultural coherence when not integrated create the risk that we will simply repeat known diagnostic patterns and initiatives.

The integration of these aspects is at the core of this initiative, which will apply integral theory, action research, adult development theory and the theory of change, in tandem with the systemic dimensions, to engage participants as agents of change towards prosperity.

Adapted from the methodology developed by MetaIntegral, the figure below illustrates each of the 10 dimensions of change, which are interconnected and interdependent with each other. Each change in an interconnection affects the whole system.

The agents of change of the 21st century are not only more skilled, with higher capacities, but essentially incorporate a new way of being, through a more complex and inclusive worldview, allowing them to activate all the dimensions of change.

Join this journey to be an agent of the required change for the 21st century!

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