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Why join the initiative?
Understanding how to introduce and sustain change is one of the most important issues of the moment.
For decades, we have had a significant amount of scientific information that demonstrates the urgency of reviewing the type of development on the planet. Hundreds of treaties, agreements, commitments from local, regional and global governments have been signed. However, we have not been able to implement the actions needed to deal effectively with the climate emergency, to reverse the depletion of natural resources and to regenerate polluted and degraded systems. Human nature resists change. Introducing and sustaining change is an art and a science that needs to be built by all stakeholders and not imposed. Without a careful and strategic plan for change, we will not get to the place we need. Investigating what our role is in co-creating this new paradigm is central to the course.
What am I going to learn?
To apply theories of change and develop plans for change, both personally and collectively.
To form cohesion with a group of people who share the same values.
To stimulate the emergence of a more complex, compassionate and inclusive worldview.
To stimulate the living of a lifestyle that is compatible with planetary limits.
To stimulate capacities that allow activating the various dimensions of change, individual, cultural and their subjectivities and the systemic dimension.
To know of vanguard initiatives, campaigns and practices that are illuminating the formation of a new paradigm.
To know the concept of profound adaptation, in function of the risks of being at the breaking point of planetary limits.
To broaden ways of measuring impact.
To deepen our knowledge of the emergency situation we are going through with the interconnected planetary environmental, social, economic, geopolitical and existential crisis.
To know and become familiar with the application of markers based on the elements of Integral Theory, theories of change and adult development, to guide us in navigating this complex and contradictory territory of crises and conflicts.
To develop higher skills and abilities, based on knowledge of psychology, neuroscience, sociology and behavioural theories, in addition to the systemic dimensions (systems thinking, technology, infrastructure, ecological system, etc.
To understand and experience how internal personal development practices and relational practices impact and influence behavioural practices and systems.
Who will be part of the community?
Individuals with a deep interest in contributing to the great planetary challenges, with their efforts at work, in social relationships, in their lifestyles and in their own individual internal relationships.
The non-limitation of academic background, experience, age group and areas of expertise in the market is deliberate in order to have diversity, to enrich the experience of the group, creating a container to honour the multiplicity of perspectives.
Cristina Mendonça
Change strategist in the context of climate change, cities and development initiatives, with 20+ years of leadership experience in the private and non-governmental sectors. She has mobilized human and financial resources and engaged multiple national and international stakeholders in change processes. She heads Techni Inclusive Sustainability, which she founded 12 years ago, with the mission of supporting organizations, communities and individuals to amplify their impacts, in integration with nature, promoting prosperity and evolution for everyone in the world
Master of Science in Urban and Environmental Engineering from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and Technical University of Braunschweig, Executive MBA from COPPEAD-UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), specialist in R&D from COPPE-UFRJ, Chemical Engineer from UFRJ, and leadership courses in personal, social and cultural transformation processes.