Cristina Mendonça
Cristina Mendonça
18 Posts

Master of Science in Urban and Environmental Engineering from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and Technical University of Braunschweig, Executive MBA from COPPEAD-UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), specialist in R&D from COPPE-UFRJ, Chemical Engineer from UFRJ, and leadership courses in personal, social and cultural transformation processes.

Seaspiracy: A Most Inconvenient TruthArt & Evolution

Seaspiracy: A Most Inconvenient Truth

The new Netflix documentary Seaspiracy is described on its website as “controversial, provocative and investigative”. If I could, I would
How Will We Choose To Respond?Human Development

How Will We Choose To Respond?

This post is the result of an engagement toward contributing to an e-book with reflections about a post-Covid-19 world “Coming
The New Urban Agenda & Cities of Tomorrow begin with conscious individuals nowClimate Emergency

The New Urban Agenda & Cities of Tomorrow begin with conscious individuals now

Is it possible to increase sustainability and quality of living in cities, while the number of inhabitants is still increasing?
Hello, World! I’m present and standing here with you all!Human Development

Hello, World! I’m present and standing here with you all!

“Connection is one of the most valuable things. We are neuro-biologically, physically, spiritually and mentally programmed to be in connection
AlbatrossArt & Evolution


I’ve never seen an albatross in person. Nor have I imagined that I would be so enchanted and moved by